Learning Objective #4

In high school when we would peer review each others work it was a quick in class activity that most if not all of the people did not take seriously. The teacher would usually hand out papers randomly and you would have to read it over and look for any grammar or spelling errors you say and leave a note for them in the margins before passing it back in to them by the end of the class period. When peer reviewing my peers essay this year I wanted to spend more time working on the bigger picture of their essays as well as spend more time working on the actual review part of the process. When reading their papers the first time through I would read it lightly before going back and reading it a second time slower and reviewing each body paragraph to get the sense of where they want their paper to go. When I read their paper for the third time was when I would start to make comments on their work on what I thought they could do, I would also try to add comments on areas that I thought they did good and suggest that they might want to try that in different parts of their essays. At times I would also look at other people’s comments on the essay and make other comments when I would agree with what they had said or thought they had a good idea for the other person to try.
